Monday, March 29, 2010

Wikis and Google Docs

I have always thought Wikipedia was surprisingly good. After listening to Jimmy Wales, I still think it's quite good, but I am not so surprised. Google Docs seems quite cool too -- sort of like our TPPL drives, but I could assess docs from home too. I played around with a couple of other things in Google, but didn't have time to explore a lot. Liked Google Books and Google World.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Face Book et al

Okay, so I finally did it -- I joined Face Book. I honestly don't know whether I will ever do anything with it though. I still don't really see the point -- or is it that I just don't want to be bothered? It feels like another obligation. I did like the TPPL page though. It's come a long way in a very short time. Congratulations Susan and all.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I found this quite confusing. I always find it difficult to follow directions posted on a computer that call for me to do things on another site or window or tab or whatever. I usually make a paper copy of the instructions to follow, but then, of course, the links don't work. I never really knew where I was. I wound up posting quite a number of copies of the same picture of my daughter.
Having said that I do think this is quite a cool thing (and will be for me, once I figure out how to use it). And I can see a lot of use for it on the library website, online newsletter and Face Book.


Originally uploaded by TP Tuneup
This is my daughter April celebrating St Kieran's first basketball victory last fall.


Originally uploaded by TP Tuneup
This is Sammy's Baby Picture. It was taken last August when he was about 9 weeks old. Sammy has two sisters, Fiona, who is 3 weeks older than he is, and Oreo, who will celebrate her 10th birthday around the same time Sammy and Fiona celebrate their 1st.

I will try to post pictures of Fiona and Oreo too -- just for you Robin.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Don't have much to say about this. I find it always fun. I usually am able to find what I want quite easily and then spend A LOT of time just looking at similar things that pop into by mind. Not a good use of time, but a good waste of time. I have, however, learned to ignore the comments section. People are so cruel when they have anonymity.